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点赞:0 人气:559
标题: 激浪逐梦|Surfing Dreams
上传日期: 2024-07-06 04:01:08
作者: lexkon_liu
点赞:0 人气:1365
标题: 龙年大发 | Prosperous Dragon Yea
上传日期: 2024-02-08 11:04:26
作者: lexkon_liu
以激进的潮流艺术手法对“龙”文化进行一场全新的解构。画中的飞龙不再是传统的祥云之形,而是传统图腾对时尚潮流的现代诠释,呈现出一种全新的龙年祝愿。 With radical street art techniques, a groundbreaking reinterpretation of "dragon" culture unfolds. The flying dragon in the artwork no longer adheres to the traditional auspicious cloud-like form; rather, it embodies a modern interpretation of traditional totems infused with the essence of fashion and trends. This presentation encapsulates a wholly new New Year's wish, where gold and red, the traditional colors of the New Year, pulsate with a contemporary vibrancy under the influence of fashion. This isn't just an artistic deconstruction; it's a modern commentary on traditional culture, symbolizing hope for vibrant development in the years to come..
点赞:0 人气:1233
标题: 霓虹龙韵 | Neon Serpent Symphony
上传日期: 2024-02-06 09:19:55
作者: lexkon_liu
一次对“龙”文化的独特演绎,如同流动的涂鸦,身披夺目的霓虹光芒,将传统与时尚融为一体,创造出一曲时尚的“龙韵交响曲”,这幅作品将传统神话注入现代潮流语境,诉说着龙年的新奇与活力。 A unique interpretation of "dragon" culture unfolds, resembling flowing graffiti. Adorned with dazzling neon lights, the dragon in the artwork seamlessly blends tradition with fashion, creating a fashionable "Serpent Symphony." This piece injects traditional mythology into a contemporary street art context, narrating the novelty and vitality of the Year of the Dragon..
点赞:0 人气:1056
标题: Lexkon Liu插画分享 | 链中微笑
上传日期: 2023-12-29 11:19:11
作者: lexkon_liu
链中微笑 (Smiles in Chains) 作者:Lexkon Liu.
点赞:0 人气:1157
标题: Lexkon Liu插画分享 | 贪婪的代价
上传日期: 2023-12-29 11:17:52
作者: lexkon_liu
贪婪的代价(The Cost of Greed) 作者:Lexkon Liu.
点赞:0 人气:1091
标题: Lexkon Liu插画分享 | 甜蜜腐蚀
上传日期: 2023-12-28 10:53:44
作者: lexkon_liu
甜蜜腐蚀 (Sweet Erosion) 作者:Lexkon Liu .
点赞:0 人气:1034
标题: Lexkon Liu插画分享 | 现实束缚
上传日期: 2023-12-28 10:51:44
作者: lexkon_liu
现实束缚 (Bound by Reality) 作者:Lexkon Liu.
点赞:0 人气:1004
标题: Lexkon Liu插画分享 | 空洞的感情
上传日期: 2023-12-28 10:49:29
作者: lexkon_liu
空洞的感情 (Hollow Emotions) 作者:Lexkon Liu.
点赞:0 人气:979
标题: Lexkon Liu插画分享 | 工作禁锢
上传日期: 2023-12-27 09:35:05
作者: lexkon_liu
工作禁锢 (Work Confinement) 作者:Lexkon Liu.

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